It could be because a certificate has been damaged, tampered with, written in an unknown format, or is unreadable. Internet Explorer found a problem with a certificate that doesn't match any other errors. Internet Explorer has found a problem with this website's security certificate Phishing sites often use fake certificates that trigger this error. The certificate has been issued by a certification authority that isn't recognized by Internet Explorer. This website's security certificate isn't from a trusted source

Outdated certificates can be a security risk. Websites must renew their certificates with a certification authority to stay current. The current date is either before or after the time period during which the certificate is valid. This website's security certificate is out of date This can occur if a company owns several websites and uses the same certificate for multiple websites. This website's address doesn't match the address in the security certificateĪ website is using a certificate that was issued to a different web address. This often means that the security certificate was obtained or used fraudulently by the website. This website's security certificate has been revoked