After selecting the personalized cheques that you want, simply enter your shipping and the discount is automatically applied. Cheque Print provides free delivery for personal cheque stock. When ordering personalized bank checks of top quality, choose convenience. Personalized Cheques with Free Delivery in Canada Contact our friendly team with any questions you may have about personal cheques in Canada. Trust the experts at Cheque Print with your next order of personal cheques and accessories. With Cheque Print, you can get everything you need for your home and business, including business cheques and custom cheques. We verify your cheque orders personally, ensure they are correct, and delivered to your door without anyone potentially seeing your personal information. We don’t work with a separate cheque printer company – we ARE the cheque printing company. When you order personalized cheques with us, you can save up to 20% compared to bank prices. We are the best personal check printing company in Canada because we offer expert customer service directly with one of our experienced agents, quick order production that can be received in just a few days, and full customization and image options. You can order personalized bank cheques with Cheque Print. Your personal checks in Canada can be deposited quickly and securely to your account.

Additionally, many banks allow instant cheque depositing services via their smartphone apps.

Filling out a personal cheque is easy and often takes less time than completing payments via other methods. Orders of personalized cheques in Canada provides you a paper trail that can be followed easier than other payment methods, and personalized bank checks can be customized to suit your needs. If you’re not near a bank and can’t use plastic, a personal cheque is a secure alternative to cash for any amount of needed funds. Personal cheques are easy to carry and don’t have the same risks as cash or plastic. Your overhead often costs less in the long term when you order personal cheques for regular payments. Easily reconcile your bank accounts by having a paper trail when you purchase personal cheques, knowing exactly where your money went. You can easily arrange for monthly rent or bill payments with postdated cheques.

With a personal cheque, you can send payment in the mail – even to other countries – and delay your payments with the added mailing time. Unlike other payment methods, using personal cheques reduces your risk of someone debiting your account or charging your credit card. Using personalized cheques offers several advantages and grants you more control over your finances.